mkdir mnt |
mkdir adfs |
mount -t msdos /dev/fd0 mnt | (the floppy disc should whirr at this point) |
mount -t adfs /dev/hda1 adfs | (the hard disc should briefly whirr at this point) |
PATH=$PATH:/mnt |
mknod /dev/hda3 b 3 3 | The second 3 should be 67 if installing onto IDE drive 5 (ie. a second IDE drive) |
mke2fs /dev/hda3 | (at this command you will get a few lines of data and Linux will start writing some inode tables. If not, it's possible that Linux doesn't like your hard disc) This is formating the device as a Linux second extended filesystem so is likely to mess up your partitions if you get it wrong! |
mkdir hd |
mount -t ext2 /dev/hda3 hd | (the hard disc will briefly whirr again) |
cd hd |
mkdir RedHat | (note case of letters) |
rafsln -s /adfs/ARMLinux/!RPMS | Enter this command only if using raFS (now the floppy disc will whirr before the harddisc is accessed. The rafsln tool will create a directory called RPMS containing "soft links" to the individual files as stored in the raFS disc on your ADFS partition, which means the files themselves aren't copied, they are just "referenced". Since this operation only takes a few seconds, using raFS instead of zip has already saved you two cups of tea...) |
mkdir RedHat/RPMS | Miss out this command if using raFS (note case again)
cd RedHat/RPMS | Again, miss out this command if using raFS |
unzip /adfs/ARMLinux/ | Miss out this command if using raFS (at this point the floppy disc will whirr and then the hard disc will extract all the RPM files in the zip inside the ADFS partition of the drive. Time to make another cup of tea! ... This takes between 5 and 20 minutes depending upon your processor. |
cd /hd/RedHat |
tar -xvf /adfs/ARMLinux/base.tar | (floppy will whirr and some more (base) files will be extracted from the adfs hard disc) |
tar -xvf /adfs/ARMLinux/instim.tar | (as above) |
cd .. |
tar -xvf /adfs/ARMLinux/instim.tar | (yes, the same as above. Don't ask why) |
cd / |
umount mnt |
umount hd |
umount adfs | DO NOT enter this command if using raFS! |